Site Selector
Location! Location! Location!
Site Selector is an interactive tool used to expand intelligently. Whether you are assessing geographies broadly or evaluating specific commercial sites, whether you are considering one or many, this tool does the analysis for you.

Complicated analysis made simple
Site Selector combines the data and the formulas to deliver new location rankings and recommendations. Proprietary algorithms work in the background enable any user to easily perform multi-vitiate gravitational analysis. This type of sophisticated analysis takes into consideration the fit and size of an area, customer dispersion measured in drive times, and supply (your business and your competitors) relative to demand (customers).

Site Selection
Evaluate and rank commercial sites within a market.
Market Identification
Identify and rank new territories.
Market Assessment
Survey and assess an area to determine if it is a good fit.
Market Optimization
Determine how many locations an area can support.
Industry Segmentation
This product includes our intuitive Industry Segmentation wherein we take thousands of characteristics, attributes, and preferences and filter it down to only what is insightful to you based on your industry. Here a few examples. Let us know if you are looking for something specific that you don’t see below.
Industry Preferences
Which customers prefer beer versus wine? Which ones like takeout? Which ones enjoy snacks and appetizers?
What other places do they shop or eat at? How much do they spend in that category?
Leisure & Interests
Who likes sports and outdoor activities? Which ones like hiking or golfing? Who likes going to the movies? Which customers enjoy civic involvement? Which ones own pets?
Demographics & Economics
Who has a blue-collar occupation. Who has a tendency to save? Are they college educated?
Who are the early adopters? Which ones view marketing as more deceptive than informative? Which ones try to eat healthy?
Identify green shoppers. Is their shopping influenced by their kids? Do they travel, go to nightclubs, or eat fast food?